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Blade Blog

  • Top 17 Cities to Inline Skate in North America

    By Lorne Milne As published in ‘Fitness & Speed Skating Times’ Magazine Vol.11 #4, Winter 2000   ‘Top Inline Cities: 2000 Ranking of Great Skates in N. America)’       Lorne Milne is Seymour Forest National Skate Patrol Director; an IISA inline skating Instructor (multiple levels) & examiner, teaching at LM BladeSkool in Vancouver, B.C.      ‘I’m sure most readers are like me & never go on vacations without...

  • Buying the Right ‘Roller-Blades’

    By Lorne Milne        The first thing for a ‘newbie’ shopper to know is that the formal name is ‘Inline Skates’, & that Rollerblade is the name of a brand!  They are by far the most famous as: they’ve been around since the emergence of the sport; they are an extremely popular brand known for how darn well they work & how tough they are (which is a reason they are the most popular brand for rental skates in...