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Blade Blog

  • Stroller Blading Safely

    STROLLER-BLADING’ SAFELY! (As published in Florida’s ‘Fitness & Speed Skating Times’ & Vancouver’s ‘Momentum Magazine’) By Lorne Milne When  my wife & fellow LM BLADESKOOL Instructor Jennifer Harvey Milne & I were expecting our son Dax, I researched jogging strollers  so that he could safely join us on our inline skating activities & trips.   ‘Stroller-Blading’ is a great family event  (& beats...

  • Inline Skating Vancouver & "The Law"

    ‘Inline Skating Vancouver & "The Law" By Lorne Milne “……Once upon a time (during the early 90’s) amidst the infancy of  Inline Skating a Great Fear grew through the Land…..BLADE-A-PHOBIA!!!!   Anxiety bloomed as ‘Newbie Bladers’ (lesson-free) rolled upon the pavement.  Dismay grew with many town officials who feared collisions and injuries on public lands!”        This resulted in: Skate Bans springing up in...